Manatee Visits Hatteras Island at the Outer Banks
A manatee was visiting the Outer Banks last week. It was first seen on Tuesday. The manatee was seen at several different locations around Hatteras Island. The 8-10 foot manatee was spotted by many including area locals, visitors and charter boat crews. The manatee was seen in the waters of the Pamlico Sound off Hatteras Island. It was also seen in the waters around the docks at Hatteras Landing. The last sighting was at Oregon Inlet in the water under the Bonner Bridge. Many fishing from the Bonner Bridge walkway this past weekend got quite a surprise when they looked down and saw the manatee below them in the water.

Earlier in the week while at the docks at Hatteras Landing the manatee got a special treat when visitors sprayed the mammal with cold water from a nearby freshwater hose. Many took videos of the manatee on his back with his belly up enjoying the nice cold water being sprayed on it’s belly!
A Manatee at the Outer Banks is not a common site but this visit was not the first time a manatee has been seen in the area. Three years ago a manatee was seen in the waters of the Outer Banks. The mammals love warm water temperatures. They feed off the vegetation around piers and inlets in the warm waters.