The Pea Island bridge replacement project by the NC Department of Transportation has been brought to an abrupt halt. The delay is due to the court case involving the replacement of the Bonner Bridge. This was just announced suddenly last week. The temporary bridge was quickly put up in 2011 after Hurricane Irene cut a new inlet at the north end of Hatteras Island near the Pea Island Refuge. This temporary bridge remains open and access to Hatteras Island is not affected. Construction crews have been working since February to lay down new asphalt for the lanes shifts needed before the construction of the bridge itself was started. The NCDOT ordered the construction company to stop work on the bridge Tuesday Sept. 9, 2014. The legal battle over replacing the Bonner Bridge connecting South Nags Head to Hatteras Island has been a long and complicated legal issue for years. Latest statements from the NCDOT point to discussions are taking place between The North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC), which represents Defenders of Wildlife (DOW) and the National Wildlife Refuge Association. These latter two groups have staled the construction of a Bonner Bridge replacement for years by bringing up lawsuits against the state.