Repair Work on Bonner Bridge Begins

The beginning stages of work to repair the Bonner Bridge at the Outer Banks has begun.  A dredge will take about  two days to  rearrange sand in the inlet. The dredge will move sand and  pile it up around the bridge’s support structure that  was scoured. Governor McCrory visited the site on Friday. Despite harsh criticism the Southern Environmental Law Center  will not dropped the lawsuit that has resulted in years of delaying the construction of a new bridge from the NC mainland to Hatteras Island. No road access to Hatteras Island is causing  numerous problems, Deliveries to grocery stores, emergency medical transport and US mail and package deliveries are just a few of the problems the residents are dealing with. Getting to and from the island by the emergency ferry route from Stumpy Point to Rodanthe takes hours. Waiting for the ferry, crossing the sound then traveling from Stumpy Point back to the northern beach areas can take several hours and is a huge inconvenience.

How long the repairs may take and when the Bonner Bridge will reopen is unknown at this time. Take a look at the Rodanthe Emergency Ferry Webcam!

Bonner Bridge
Bonner Bridge