In 1999 when the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was moved the stones that held up the lighthouse were engraved with the names of the light keepers and then placed in a circle at the site of the original location. Over the years and after multiple storms the engraved stones are now almost completely under sand and most are no longer visible. Local residents want the stones moved to the grassy area close to the where the lighthouse sits now. If not moved the engraved stones will likely succumb to erosion by sand or sea. Moving the stones comes under the National Park Service. The cost of moving the stones is not in the park service’s budget. The park service plans to uncover the stones from the sand in the spring but that may be the last time. After that the stones may be left to the harsh coastal elements. A sad ending that would be for the history and culture of the island to be buried under sand and sea. If they moved the lighthouse one would think they could move the engraved stone monuments that honor the brave men who for years tended to the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.